Financial Freedom

Learn about personal finance, the basics of economics and how to build your personal wealth.

Working with

Remove financial stress
Learn how to manage your finances, reduce debt, save money and make sensible financial decisions
Build Wealth
Gain the knowledge and tools to grow your personal wealth and become financially stable over the long-term.
Change your Life
Live where you want, save plenty of money for major life events and build the resources to retire early.

“With a little bit of money, a little bit of knowledge and a little bit of focus anyone can change their life.

At Hug we want every family to have more opportunities, to build more wealth and to have happier lives.

That’s why we’ve made the first whole section of our training completely free.”

Join the ranks of the financially savvy

Fun Learning
Learn in a fun and flexible way
Join us on a journey that will give you a solid foundation in personal finance, economics, and building wealth.
Customised to you
It’s not one-size fits all
Discover your unique financial persona, and experience tuition that is tailored to your current level of knowledge and future goals.
Progress Tracking
We’ll keep you on track
Enjoy a customised dashboard, and funky games that track your learning, help you set and stick to goals, and celebrate your achievements!
Financial Tools
Free tools designed by financial experts
Get your hands on financial planning tools, budgeting templates, investment calculators and crucially we also show you how to use them!
Ahead of the Game
Stay ahead of the game
When you’re ready to start investing get access to global financial insights, trends, and strategies from leading experts in the ever-evolving world of finance.
Join-up with friends and family
Create and manage your own private Hug Communities with friends, family and colleagues. Collaborate, share ideas, and vote on investment decisions. Earn passive income by helping your members create their own Hug Communities too.

Learn, grow and succeed!

We're on a mission to make looking after your finances simple and accessible so that everyone can enjoy financial freedom.